Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dan's Summer Break

June 26th, 2013

Dan's summer break. This was the only Tuesday when I would not be out of town, so Dan and I decided to go camping.  We drove up to the Pinal Mountain near Globe.  We decided that instead of staying at the cabin, we would actually camp and sleep in a tent.  We drove to the campsite and tried to find a good place.  Mind you, we were the ONLY ones on the entire mountain. NO  ONE was up there.  Well, me being the wise guy that I am, told Dan that he could drive his care up through the bushes to the road.  Silly me, I think my corolla is a truck.  Nope, it isn't.  We got stuck in the dirt with wheels spinning.  We dug and dug.  Finally, we walked up the road to the cabin and found something that would make digging easier.  We finally got unstuck and moved to a different campsite.  This only took 45 minutes. 
Now, this added to our pain, because Dan's stomach was having real issues that day.  We had to stop 4 times between Mesa and Globe so he could go to the bathroom.  So, it had been a very long day.
Finally, we set up camp, enjoyed a game of Ticket to Ride, and even took the roof of the tent so we could see the stars.  We saw a fabulous sunset and enjoyed time together.  The only con was that due to the heat, there were bugs and flies everywhere.

The next morning, Dan woke up with a terrible toothache and we had to go straight home so he could get to the dentist.   
Dan's summer break lasted from 3pm to 7am the next morning.  Hopefully, next summer will be better :)

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