Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dan's new job--classified

March 2013

Starting in January, Dan was blessed to get a new job.  It's classified.  No, he is not in the armed forces, but if bad people (mainly mafia) found out what he did, he could be in danger.  Therefore, I am not allowed to post pictures of his graduation.

His new job required him to do a 3 month boot camp.  He would leave at 4am in the morning and get home at 5:30pm at night.  Most of the time he could barely walk because he was so sore from 2 hours of cross fit every day.  He worked out a lot and managed to get 18 college credits for the educational part of his job.

Poor Dan, add on top of this, his stomach is still very sick.  He looked like death.  Very skeletal and death like.  Lots of prayers got him through.

So, I am proud of my husband for working so hard to get this new job.  It was definitely out of his comfort zone.  Now, he has full benefits, pretty good per hour pay, and tuition reimbursement.  This will allow him to work nights while going to school during the day, to reach his final goal of being a nurse.

Also, he is now EMT certified, nationally and AZ :)  I love that His future profession will be in helping people.  He is getting excited.  He really misses being a corpsman in the NAVY.

We are on our way...One small step forward, and after a while, you look back and those small steps added up.

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