Sunday, March 9, 2014

Another year of school & Oct. Break 2013

Aug-Oct. 2013

Basically, my year goes from August to August.  This is the 2013-2014 school year.  My birthday used to be in the summer still.  Now it always falls either on the first day of school or near too it.  Look what Dan gave me for my birthday :)  I sure do love my hubby.  He takes great care of me.

Yes, I am still teaching Kindergarten.  I sure do love those little guys.  And the best part, they love me :)  This is my 11th year teaching.  I begin the 2003-2004 school.  I have taught 6 years of 1st year and am in my 5th year teaching kindergarten.  This is also the 5th year at this elementary school.

So far, I love this school year.  My students are sweet and so cute.  Instead of starting the year with 40, we have consistently been at 22-24 students.  This is a fabulous number, especially considering that my students are ELL, mostly pre-emergent English speakers.  Also, this is the 4th year of being a TAP teacher, and boy, I am learning how to be a super teacher.  It is a very effective, though high stress program.  I know that my students are gaining a better education because of it.  I am more effective and efficient.

As always, I still count down and love my breaks.  This year, for October Break, I flew to Omaha, NE for visit half my family.  It was really funny since of the 4 siblings that live out there, 3 just bought houses.  Also, each house fit each sibling's personality.

Alisa bought this super cute house built in 1890's and lives in this little town in the middle of nowhere.  I loved the peace and quiet of her town.  Plus, there is the super cute old school park right in front of her house. And you know how much I love parks!

Charisse and Will are fixing up their house,  It will be perfect for their little family.  I loved the time I spent with them.  And I love Brady boy!
Levi bought a condo with the best couches ever!!  He is a party animal now and works super hard with his masters. We were able to go swimming at his place a lot.  Only got in trouble by the old ladies a few times.
LanaMarie's house is full!  Elsie (first time I was able to see her) gave up her bedroom to sleep in a laundry basket for me.  I love Barrett boy!  He loved looking through all the pictures on my phone.  Wesson is a smarty pants.

Mom and Dad are growing this cool vertical garden on the side of the shed.

We took a morning off to go exploring out in the fields near Alisa's.  We found lots of apple trees and grass!

I sure love my family and feel extremely blessed and grateful to have had this chance to visit my parents and family.  I love my parents so much.  They are truly the best parents for me.

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