Saturday, November 30, 2013

Summer Time= Cabin time

Summer Time- May/July 2013

Poor Dan had to work all summer long.  But me...nope.  So, unfortunately for Dan, but fortunately for me, I got to vacation all summer long.

Memorial Day, head up to the cabin with some of our friends in our ward.  Jose and Lynette Nunez.  It was just the 3 adults and they have two little kids.  It was nice and relaxing, plus perfect weather.
I went back up to the cabin for Labor Day with my ole high school friend Hattie and her family.  It was crazy!  When we got up there, there were TONS of bats in the window between the window and covering.  We had an up close bat experience.  Then, because I am NOT brave, Hattie, opened the windows and let them all out.  YUCK!

We had fun with all her kids and just girl talking,  It had been a while :)

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