Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dan's Summer Break

June 26th, 2013

Dan's summer break. This was the only Tuesday when I would not be out of town, so Dan and I decided to go camping.  We drove up to the Pinal Mountain near Globe.  We decided that instead of staying at the cabin, we would actually camp and sleep in a tent.  We drove to the campsite and tried to find a good place.  Mind you, we were the ONLY ones on the entire mountain. NO  ONE was up there.  Well, me being the wise guy that I am, told Dan that he could drive his care up through the bushes to the road.  Silly me, I think my corolla is a truck.  Nope, it isn't.  We got stuck in the dirt with wheels spinning.  We dug and dug.  Finally, we walked up the road to the cabin and found something that would make digging easier.  We finally got unstuck and moved to a different campsite.  This only took 45 minutes. 
Now, this added to our pain, because Dan's stomach was having real issues that day.  We had to stop 4 times between Mesa and Globe so he could go to the bathroom.  So, it had been a very long day.
Finally, we set up camp, enjoyed a game of Ticket to Ride, and even took the roof of the tent so we could see the stars.  We saw a fabulous sunset and enjoyed time together.  The only con was that due to the heat, there were bugs and flies everywhere.

The next morning, Dan woke up with a terrible toothache and we had to go straight home so he could get to the dentist.   
Dan's summer break lasted from 3pm to 7am the next morning.  Hopefully, next summer will be better :)

Summer Time= Cabin time

Summer Time- May/July 2013

Poor Dan had to work all summer long.  But me...nope.  So, unfortunately for Dan, but fortunately for me, I got to vacation all summer long.

Memorial Day, head up to the cabin with some of our friends in our ward.  Jose and Lynette Nunez.  It was just the 3 adults and they have two little kids.  It was nice and relaxing, plus perfect weather.
I went back up to the cabin for Labor Day with my ole high school friend Hattie and her family.  It was crazy!  When we got up there, there were TONS of bats in the window between the window and covering.  We had an up close bat experience.  Then, because I am NOT brave, Hattie, opened the windows and let them all out.  YUCK!

We had fun with all her kids and just girl talking,  It had been a while :)

Levi's graduation

May 2012
My super smart brother, Levi graduated from UNO (University of Nebraska) with an BS in Engineering.  I was able to fly up there and visit everyone.  :)  So proud of Levi!
LanaMarie's children, especially Barrett, my nephew were so excited for me to come and visit.  I got in really late, but apparently they didn't want to go to bed and stayed up really late, looking out the window, waiting for Aunt "Millia" to come.  I stayed at LanaMarie's house and the little guys loved it.  Barrett was so happy.  I always call and face time with Barrett so he at least knows my voice.  I love that little guy!

Of course since I was in Nebraska, it was cold, windy and raining.  Really ?!?  We all went to Levi's graduation.  Barrett and Wesson were just watching in the window looking out at the graduates for find Levi.  They even got a special wave from him before he walked the line.

It was a great weekend and a fun time to celebrate. :)


May 2013
In May, a dear friend of ours, was remarried.  They were going to Hawaii for a honeymoon and asked if we could watch their children for a WHOLE week while they were gone.  We figured it would be good practice for when we either have children, adopt or fosters.

We had a blast.  All the kids had red hair, so it looked like we were really their parents. Hahaha.
But, they especially loved Dan.  After the week, we were exhausted, but as we sat down to watch TV Friday evening, we admitted that we missed them.  There was so much peace and quiet now.

We love that family dearly.  It was so fun.  There was a 3, 5, and 8 year old.  The little one still calls me, "Sister Moore's."

Home work is a must

March-May 2013

Being a homeowner means you are constantly trying to make your home better.  Also, you are constantly fixing things.  Actually, I love it.  I am addicted to work.  My husband says I need to relax more...we will see.  Here are some things that we have been doing to "fix" up the house.

We pulled out the hedges under the windows...eventually, we will plant roses out there. 

Dug trenches for a new sprinkler system. 

I primed the back porch and had home depot reseal the windows in the back.  Someday, our house will look nice :)

Poco a poco.

Dan's new job--classified

March 2013

Starting in January, Dan was blessed to get a new job.  It's classified.  No, he is not in the armed forces, but if bad people (mainly mafia) found out what he did, he could be in danger.  Therefore, I am not allowed to post pictures of his graduation.

His new job required him to do a 3 month boot camp.  He would leave at 4am in the morning and get home at 5:30pm at night.  Most of the time he could barely walk because he was so sore from 2 hours of cross fit every day.  He worked out a lot and managed to get 18 college credits for the educational part of his job.

Poor Dan, add on top of this, his stomach is still very sick.  He looked like death.  Very skeletal and death like.  Lots of prayers got him through.

So, I am proud of my husband for working so hard to get this new job.  It was definitely out of his comfort zone.  Now, he has full benefits, pretty good per hour pay, and tuition reimbursement.  This will allow him to work nights while going to school during the day, to reach his final goal of being a nurse.

Also, he is now EMT certified, nationally and AZ :)  I love that His future profession will be in helping people.  He is getting excited.  He really misses being a corpsman in the NAVY.

We are on our way...One small step forward, and after a while, you look back and those small steps added up.

Spring break or Snow break?

March 8th, 2013

It is Friday, we are ready to start Spring Break.  The students are crazy, I am crazy plus it's a full moon.  We are all READY for a break.  So ...because we are all so ready for a break, what happens?  It's a raining day, not only raining, POURING!  It starts to rain so hard that it is leaking through the school roof at the entrance of my classroom.  We had to go around 2 trash cans to get into the door.

Then, at 2:45pm, right when we are lining up the bus riders, what happens?  BOOM!  CRASH!  BOOM!  All hail breaks loose.  Now, not one person can go outside.  It's hailing so bad that the walkers can't go home, the bus riders can't get on the bus and the parent pickups just have to wait.

The best part of the day was went my student said, "Mrs. Moore, this should have been called a snow break, not a spring break."  All I could do was laugh and agree with him.

At 3:35, the last student was picked up.  UHHHH.  We were all sooo tired!  Then the principal called a mandatory meeting.  Will this ever end?  I want spring break!