Sunday, March 9, 2014

Summer Vacation #1--VA 2013

I'll have to post more pictures later because I don't remember exactly what order we did things in.

In July, Dad, Mom, Alisa & Matt, Grandma and Dan & I spent an entire week in Williamsburg, Virginia.  Dan served in Portsmouth, VA Naval Hospital as a corpsman.  He promised after we were married that he would take me there and show me where he served.  So the main reason we went so I could see and learn about the place Dan had lived and served for 3 years.  We used our timeshare and stayed at this gorgeous plantation.  We ran around crazy for the whole week.  I needed a vacation when we got home.  We saw Williamsburg, Yorktown,Jamestown, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Washington D.C.
It was really cool, we went on a cruise down the river and saw the hospital Dan worked in.  All the ships on the Naval Base.  We toured the USS Wisconsin.  We watched fireworks on the beach and hear an amazing orchestra concert on the grass by the beach and watch fireworks over the ocean. And so much more!

USS Wisconsin

Portsmouth Naval Hospital in the background

USS Wisconsin
Fireworks on Virginia Beach
Matt, Alisa & Grandma Lamoreaux

USS Wisconsin


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