Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kent Tryon Family Reunion, Heber, AZ

We got back from Cali, on Saturday night.  I turned around the next morning, July 1st, and headed up to Heber with Grandma Lamoreaux.  We were the last ones there.  Even the Omaha family bet us up.  We decided that this year was the year of work.  We all came to the cabin to WORK!  Well, Levi didn't really get a choice, because we needed his expertise and work ethics.  He works like a horse!  The workers included:  Kent & Lanae Tryon, Levi Tryon, Wesson Thorne (I got to me his ma for the trip :), Alisa & Matt Gull, Charisse & Will Merrill, Me, Jared and Zerin Hollingshead (cousins), Irving & Emilie Tryon with their children, Brisa and Annie, and Dasha and Josh Wallace.  Quite a Good work group.
In basically 2.5 days we accomplished:
  • adding shingles to the roof (Levi was crazy)
  • digging a new outhouse hole and moving it
  • building a back deck (15x10ft)
  • Levi building cooler vents and getting the cooler working with Dad
  • swimming and kayaking at the lake
  • 1.2 mile hike with grand kids
  • watching Sherlock Holmes on a big screen projector
"Not to shabby for a hobo" as my dad would say :)

The first time we shingled, no harnesses, this time, Will has some, so we tied Levi to one and he became a mountain goat.  Hopping and nailing from one shingle to another.  Emilie and Charisse had the hard job of holding the rope that was supporting the men's weight on the other side of the roof.  Levi worked so hard and fast that his legs were shaking-though he would never admit it-   It was killing Dad that we would NOT allow him up on the roof.  So instead he ran shingles up and down that ladder.  Not sure that was a good idea either.  Luckily, and very blessed, no one go hurt in the process.  However, Irving was hanging by his fingernails for a while until we got the roof situated.  It was hilarious.  We all couldn't stop laughing.  All you could see was his head poking out above the roof and his little fingers hanging on.  "Uhmmm, help me...Help me."  Wish I could have gotten a picture. 

We moved the outhouse.  Dan was happy cause Dad raised the seat.  Now your chin doesn't hit your knees when you pee.

Levi with lots of help from Will and Dad and others, built a deck in about 6 hours.  It is the most professional item on that cabin.  I am so excited to play on it!!!!

We convinced LanaMarie to let Wesson come down and play with his cousins.  He had so much fun.  He played all day in the mud and dirt with his cousin Brisa.  He enjoyed sleeping in the tent with me, his Aunt Camilla.  What a smart kid.  I learned his favorite word is , "Why?"

When we were up there, Zerin got sick.  He ended up passing it to most everyone in the week we were together.  Even though I got pretty sick, it was totally worth it to see my family and spent time working and playing together.  I sure to love them and am blessed to belong to the KENT and LANAE TRYON FAMILY!!!!  I love my family!

    Emilie had the hardest job. 
    Can I have that one?

    Our 1.2 mile hike.  Dad taught the grand kids how to be junior rangers. 
    Wesson learned how to read maps and Brisa and Annie found trail markers.

    Annie only wanted to hold Grandpa's hand.
    Our quadruple rainbow.
    My Wesson boy, sleeping in his Aunt Camilla's tent.

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