Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cali Trip with the Moore's June 2012

Solona Beach, CA
So these past couple weeks have been completely crazy.  I feel that we have been running from one reunion to another...oh wait, we have!  The last week in June, from Wednesday till Saturday, June 27-30th, we went to San Diego, CA.  We stayed in about 1/2 mile from the beach.
A very hot, hot day!

The whole crew!

 Dan's parents, sisters, Kim and Erin, and nephew, Shaun joined us for the fun. 
     We spent one day at Sea World.  It was my first time EVER! Wow!  I never fully realized how humongous the whales are.  The sea lions show was by far the favorite.
     The next day we spent the day at Lego land.  I'll not going to lie.  I was NOT excited to go, but then I realized it was actually pretty cool.  Definitely for children, but totally amazing what you can do with LEGOS!  I took so many pics of these Legos.  Dan only went to see the STAR WARS.  They build little mini sets of all the major Star War movies.    He, of course, HAD to buy a magnet with his favorite character...Hans Solo.  The evenings were spent soaking our feet in the hot tub.
Can you see the pure joy on Dan's face?


    Saturday morning, we woke up early and headed to the San Diego temple.  We planned on doing a sealing session and then going to the celestial room.  They were pretty busy, so we waited in the atrium staring at the Angel Moroni.  We were the only couple doing sealings.  Then we entered the celestial room.  It is probably the most beautiful room I have ever seen.  The floating balconies, gorgeous, elegant, but simple square like decorations.  I felt like I had gone to heaven.  Peace on earth.  Plus, the floating staircase was unreal.  We left feeling peaceful and a perfect way to end a trip to California.

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