Saturday, September 14, 2013

Brady Boy!!!

My sister, Charisse, gave me the most wonderful experience ever!  I was allowed to be with her when she delivered her first baby.  It was the sweetest moment.  How are earth does women do this time after time?  My sister is brave and so strong.  I can't imagine how I would handle that.

Dan and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years, since we got married.  Between my body problems and Dan's stomach problems, we have not have much luck.  I am trying to stay positive, but with my age, God willing it will happen someday.  Anyways, since I might never have a chance to give birth, it was so special that my sister let me experience vicariously through her.  The miracle of birth.  WOW!  I am so glad that I was able to help my sister out and watch her give birth to Brady.

Ready to pop!
So here is MY side of the story.  In January, Charisse's husband was able to get a job in Omaha, NE.  He needed to start working as soon as possible so that he could have insurance for the baby.  So, Charisse, very pregnant, packed up the house here in Mesa, and got ready for the baby.  The last week or so before she have the baby, she stayed at our house.  I loved having her.  At about 11pm, she started having back contractions, she called Mom and walked around.  Mom immediately began looking for the earliest flight out of omaha for Will to get one.  They found one and he was set to arrive at 8:00 am.  At 3am, mom said it was time to wake me up :)  We headed to the hospital and got checked in.  At 4am, nurses said Charisse was dilated to a 6.  I was frantically trying to get my lesson plans in and calling a substitute for my class.  We called Irving to pick Will up from the airport.  Charisse managed to bypass all the other woman in labor, even those that had come in earlier.
My sister is a the contractions gradually got harder, she would go quiet, grab my hand tightly and go to her marathon training in her mind.  In a way it was funny cause she couldn't blame me for doing this to her, and when she squeezed my hand, I squeezed  back.  We both got into a groove, and waiting patiently for the doctor and Will.  At about 6:30, she was dilated to a 8.  The doctor said she would be having it soon.  Did she want to wait for Will?  Charisse said, "As much as I love my husband, NO!  Get this baby out."  She didn't get an epidural or anything.  As she was progressing, the doctor came to check on things.  Finally it was time to PUSH. I grabbed her hand and boy did it look painful.  The doctor told me to help hold her leg and so I did.  Will called saying he was about 10 mins. away....The doctor said, " Looks like the husband will get here the same time that the baby will..."  I just urgently shouted, "Hurry, the baby is coming...NOW!  Just walk in ..the nurses are waiting for you."  I threw the phone down and went back to help Charisse.  She was in the ZONE, painful ZONE and pushing now.  Then...out comes the baby...I describe it like a baby calf coming out.  Since I have had no other experiences, (not even with cats or dogs) only cows, that's what I compare it too.  The doctor asked if I wanted to cut the umbilical cord, so I did.  As soon as I did, Will literally walked in.  I think he planned that, especially since he didn't want to be there for the birth.  ;)  (Though Charisse told Will no excused for next time.)

It's a miracle that a baby grows in your stomach and then, out comes a baby.  it as bloody, sticky, but still beautiful.  Brady was a handsome little baby and I was privileged to experience his birth.  Thank you Charisse!

Little no neck, and no name nephew.
A few weeks later, Charisse took my Brady to NE.  This was a really hard move for me.  Will and Charisse were our go-to couple.  We hung out all the time, played games on Sunday and hung out.  I am really missing them!  I took the day off from school to pack up the moving truck.  It's nice to know at least I have one talent. I CAN PACK.  Thanks to past jobs (EVDS and FED EX) and can pack up most anything.  nice, neat and tight!  I even found out that only a couple things broke.  Pretty good since it was moved cross country, and moved there several times.

Charisse is still my sister, but I have lost a good friend, good brother in law and cute nephew in this move.  I need to fly out and see them ;)

He has a name now!!!  BRADY!

Relaxing in Sedona

Finally, I make it into I'm a little behind....

Jan. 2013-President's Day Weekend

     Dan was starting his new job this month so we decided to take one last break before he would be super busy.  We asked all our friends to come, and only my cousin Abby decided she would come.  We thought that she would feel left out, but in reality, Dan was the odd man out.  Abby and I used to be neighbors, so we talked like old times.  We used some of our RCI points and stayed at the Sedona Pines Resort.  It used to be a mobil home park, but they changed into a resort.  There was a beautiful creek running through the property however, the apartments were single wide trailers.  Kind of hard getting used to the narrow-ness, but it was still beautiful and clean.
     Dan spent time relaxing and Abby and I explored downtown Sedona.  We took a drive up to Flagstaff  and visited Lowell Observatory.  It was my first time!  Dan loves space, so he REALLY enjoyed it.  Then we headed over and visited my cousins, Ryan and his wife.  We enjoyed playing some board games.
Lowell Observatory, checking out a planet
Huge telescope!
Who doesn't want Chocolate?
     The next day we took a drive through Oak Creek Canyon.  This was the first time driving through..(that I remember).  WOW!  BREATHTAKING!  We played in the snow and of course, had to take some panoramic pictures of the view.
     Spending the time away from the valley was so nice and relaxing.  We love using our RCI points to take vacations.  Dan says I work all the time so I need to slow down and relax.  The only time I seem to do that is when I am away from home on vacation. :)

Yep, Look who's pushing me!

Beautiful view

Oak Creek Canyon Drive