Sunday, August 4, 2013

Christmas Break the TRYON way!

Christmas Eve 2012

I love my FAMILY!!!!  That is all I can say.  My parents flew into town for a couple of weeks around Christmas.  My dad offered to help us build a porch.  We started on Christmas Eve, digging foundations.  Within 2 days, we had the porch built.  Dad is a pro!  Mom, Dan and I were his "gophers"  Go for this...  Dan's brother Nate, helped for a couple of hours and my brother, Irving came for a day and helped.  Without everyone's help, ESPECIALLY my dad's, it would not have be done so well or quickly.  Now, we have a nice porch, still need to paint it...and it keeps the sun from heating up our family room.
I am so glad that I can always count on my family to help me.  I hope they feel the same about me.  So...since all dad likes to do is work hard...that is what we did.

Christmas break--The Tryon Way!


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