Sunday, August 4, 2013

Groupon Date...New Years Eve

Ever gone on a groupon date?
Dan and I decided to try it out.
1.  Buy groupons that look cool to try out or eat.
2.  Spend the evening using them, it really saves money.
We went out to the movies at Studio Grill, where they serve you dinner in your seat and the movie seat is a recliner chair. 
 Then we went on to enjoy some Gelato,  YUMMY!
Finally, we finished our date by chaperoning the Quad Stake dance.  Dan's favorite thing ever!!!! (Especially since he hates dances of all sorts.)
Direct quote, " I have to what?!?  I didn't even go to those dances when I was a teenager!" 
So glad that my husband supports me and my calling :)

Christmas Break the TRYON way!

Christmas Eve 2012

I love my FAMILY!!!!  That is all I can say.  My parents flew into town for a couple of weeks around Christmas.  My dad offered to help us build a porch.  We started on Christmas Eve, digging foundations.  Within 2 days, we had the porch built.  Dad is a pro!  Mom, Dan and I were his "gophers"  Go for this...  Dan's brother Nate, helped for a couple of hours and my brother, Irving came for a day and helped.  Without everyone's help, ESPECIALLY my dad's, it would not have be done so well or quickly.  Now, we have a nice porch, still need to paint it...and it keeps the sun from heating up our family room.
I am so glad that I can always count on my family to help me.  I hope they feel the same about me.  So...since all dad likes to do is work hard...that is what we did.

Christmas break--The Tryon Way!
