Saturday, June 29, 2013

Viva Las Vegas!!!
So...even though this is a really late post, I'm still posting :)

For Dan's birthday way back in Sept. we decided to go to Vegas.  It just happened to fall on Labor Day weekend.  We had some special from our timeshare, so we took it.  Also, on that weekend, Dan's sister and her husband were in town from Montana.  So..we took a very long loop through northern AZ and Southern Utah.

We headed up to Page on Friday, arrived very late.  Saturday morning we woke up and hung out with Julie and Robert Lester and kids.  We of course had to take pictures since this was the first time we had seen them since we got married (over a year ago).  Also, it was the first family picture that I would be in....Yes!  I'm finally official.

Saturday-We left about noon and heading through St. George to Vegas.  It was a very long trip.  We arrived late Saturday night.

Sunday- We dutifully listened to the "timeshare spill" and then headed up the strip :)  We explored the strip, and walked a ton.  We learned that there are NO drinking fountains in Vegas.  We stayed at the Grandview, which is on the south strip.  It was kind of nice to be away from all the noise. Plus, our room had a jacuzzi.  Who needs to go to the pool when you have one in your own room.

Monday- We drove home over the brand new Hoover Dam bridge and stopped in Wikenburg for lunch.  IT was a very long trip, like 15 hours total over the weekend.  What you do to see family, right?

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