Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cornville, AZ, where's that?

  Cornville, AZ  Oct. Break 2012

Dan and I decided to take a break from life and head on up to Cornville, AZ.  Until a few years ago, I had never even heard of Cornville.  Now I know that it is close to Cottonwood, (that I have heard of).  We persuaded my sister, Charisse and her her husband Will to come with us.  The weather was beautiful.  A storm had just left that area fresh and crisp.
The sun will come out!

Beautiful Day!

Smile for a pic.


When Dan finally arrived the next morning, we decided to explore the unknown and historic parts of the state that Charisse and I were not familiar with.  We headed up to Jerome, AZ (which used to be a mining town) that it nestled high up on the edge of the mountain. We some some very old stuff.  Walked the streets and enjoyed the company.

Looking down from Jerome,AZ

Mining Equipment

That's one huge wagon!

Cute Wagon!

One of my FAVORITE'S from the trip!

Long way down!

How tall is that hole?!?

Charisse was afraid to step on it.

I love this picture!

Very old!

Very creepy!

Who wants a sucker?

Looks old!

Kaleidoscope Store. 

Some pretty cool alleys

Kiss, Kiss

After Jerome, we heading the back way into Prescott and saw some beautiful country, curvy roads and lots of trees.  Of course we had to go to the gun store in Prescott.  Then we headed back to the timeshare. 
Always harassing me ;)
Will, Charisse, Camilla, Dan
Prescott center
The next day, on our way back into town, we headed to visit OUT OF AFRICA wildlife park.  THE BEST ZOO EVER.  Look what we got to do?

 First, we rode on this cool safari ride that took us into an area where all the animals roomed free.  They came up to the bus and we even could pet them.  I feed the giraffe a carrot, but the driver gave it a kiss.  EWWWW!

Yep, that's my hand!
EWWW!  A kiss!
never been this close...
Yep, IN the bus!

reminds me of a dog.

 Next, we wandered around the zoo, in the middle of the desert and saw some very African animals.  I have never been to close to a lion before.  I might have been a little nervous.  After a long hot day or seeing amazing animals, we headed home :)

So close!

Don't get stabbed!

Mean gramma goat

Texas Longhorn?

Not a fan of snakes!


25 acres free room 

Giraffe in time out zone

Here Zebra,Zebra
Lookin hot!

Viva Las Vegas!!!
So...even though this is a really late post, I'm still posting :)

For Dan's birthday way back in Sept. we decided to go to Vegas.  It just happened to fall on Labor Day weekend.  We had some special from our timeshare, so we took it.  Also, on that weekend, Dan's sister and her husband were in town from Montana.  So..we took a very long loop through northern AZ and Southern Utah.

We headed up to Page on Friday, arrived very late.  Saturday morning we woke up and hung out with Julie and Robert Lester and kids.  We of course had to take pictures since this was the first time we had seen them since we got married (over a year ago).  Also, it was the first family picture that I would be in....Yes!  I'm finally official.

Saturday-We left about noon and heading through St. George to Vegas.  It was a very long trip.  We arrived late Saturday night.

Sunday- We dutifully listened to the "timeshare spill" and then headed up the strip :)  We explored the strip, and walked a ton.  We learned that there are NO drinking fountains in Vegas.  We stayed at the Grandview, which is on the south strip.  It was kind of nice to be away from all the noise. Plus, our room had a jacuzzi.  Who needs to go to the pool when you have one in your own room.

Monday- We drove home over the brand new Hoover Dam bridge and stopped in Wikenburg for lunch.  IT was a very long trip, like 15 hours total over the weekend.  What you do to see family, right?